
What is the Continuing Education Department?
继续教育系是学院中专门研究经济的部门, 劳动力, and enrichment programs for the business sector and the community at large. 这个部门包括提供专业培训的各个部门, 休闲课程, as well as outreach to the community in terms of business assistance, 市民中心, 系列讲座, and customized educational programs. Our programs and services vary, 但我们对当地经济发展的承诺和社区意识在这些部门是共同的.
How do I register for a Continuing Education short course?
Click here for registration details.
When can I register for classes?
登记 is ongoing and open for the majority of our classes. 在某些情况下, you will need to wait until a specific date to register, however this will be noted in the class details of the 在线日程安排.
尽早注册以确保您的座位,并确保课程符合入学标准. Students may only register online for classes prior to the class start date. 某些课程可以延迟注册,直到课程的10%日期,必须亲自或通过电话完成.
How much do courses cost?
  • 1-24小时- 70美元.00
  • 25-49小时- 125美元.00
  • 50小时以上- 180美元.00
  • Additional charges may include insurance and technology 费用
FREE Classes and 项目?
大学 & 职业准备/High School programs are free of charge
What payment methods are accepted?
Payment is required at the time of registration to reserve your seat. 注册 online via MasterCard, Visa, and Discover. 现金、支票或信用卡都可以作为上门和电话的付款方式.
Do I need to purchase 书 and materials for my classes?
Books and materials may be required for certain classes at an additional charge
参考课程时间表,了解是否需要教科书或材料 你的班级.
To purchase text书 in person at your Lee or Harnett 推荐正规买球平台 campus location, 记得带上你的班级注册收据,上面有你的课程号和学生证.
To purchase text书 online through the 推荐正规买球平台 书tore, or to check store hours and locations, click here.
What age must I be to register for a class?
在一般情况下, 学生必须年满16岁才能注册并参加继续教育课程. 夏季学期针对未成年人的强化课程也有例外.
Who can register online?
You must be 18 years or older to register online
You must have a required active email account
如果您是在线注册的归国学生,并收到无法唯一识别您的错误信息, 请致电(919)718-7500联系学生支持中心核实或更新您的联系信息.
What programs offer online registration?
Most classes are available for online registration.
Can I register for a course and pay through third party billing?
At the time of registration, a letter on official company letterhead, is required specifying your name and course, and also the name and address of the person to receive the invoice.
What programs qualify for a tuition waiver?
Emergency 服务 Training 课程
  • 登记 费用 may be waived for both Paid and Volunteer 火fighters, 火 Department personnel, EMS and 救援 workers, and 执法 Officers in the state of North Carolina.
  • 北卡罗莱纳州部门的EMS和消防人员将通过部门名册进行核实
  • 私营、联邦和营利性机构的雇员没有资格获得学费减免
  • 有当前豁免信息的前学生可以通过WebAdvisor在线注册.
  • 新生可以通过填写并提交下面的表格来提交WebAdvisor学生豁免帐户的请求.
  • Account Set Up Request Form for ESTC (Please allow 1-2 business days for us to verify and set up your account.)
Human Resource Development 课程 (HRD)/Job Seeker/Unemployed
  • If you have received notification of a layoff or are currently unemployed, 你可能有资格获得学费减免,这将有助于你找工作和工作准备技能.
  • To register for Human Resource Development courses (HRD), download and complete the Student 登记 and Waiver Form.
  • 您可以推荐正规买球平台的办公室,以帮助填写豁免申请和注册表格.
How do I drop a class and request a refund?
In order to drop a class for refund, 必须向继续教育办公室提出正式要求,电话:(919)718-7500
The refund process time is 4-6 weeks
A student refund will come in the form of credit card reimbursement or a check, depending upon the original payment method
下载 Student Refund Request Form.
Why did my class get cancelled?
有时,中央卡罗莱纳社区学院可能需要取消一节课. If any course is cancelled by 推荐正规买球平台, a full refund will be given to the student. EARLY registration will help ensure a class makes.
What is the attendance policy?
80%的出勤率政策要求学生至少参加80%的课程,以获得满意的完成成绩并获得ceu. This policy is specified for most Continuing Education classes at 推荐正规买球平台.
Do Continuing Education classes provide course credit?
What is Ed2Go and how do I register for Ed2Go courses?
Ed2Go课程是证书和强化课程,指导完全在线提供. They offer flexible start dates for students and are provided on demand. For more information on Ed2Go or to search and register for an Ed2Go course, click here.
Can I obtain federal financial aid for continuing education classes?
No, federal financial aid is not available for continuing education classes. 但是,每年提供给职业课程的奖学金数量有限.
中央卡罗来纳社区学院为希望参加职业培训或认证课程的学生提供了几个奖学金机会, including funds that may be available to assist with tuition, 费用, 书, 供应, 还有儿童保育. 欲了解更多信息,请致电学生支持中心(919)718-7500或查看我们的 奖学金 页面.
Information about pre-requisites can be found in the class details of the 在线日程安排. 如果您对课程要求和资格有任何疑问,您也可以致电学生支持中心.
我们一直在招聘兼职讲师和培训师来为我们的部门提供课程. 要求根据课程的性质而有所不同,但包括证书和经验. If you are interested in teaching, click here to complete an application 提交给学院人力资源部或部门主页上的联系人.
I need a speaker for my civic group, who should I contact?
We have several faculty and staff that would be glad to speak to your groups. 欲了解更多信息,请致电(919)718-7500与继续教育办公室联系.
Are disability services available?
是的, to help all students meet their educational goals, 这所学院有各种各样的服务来帮助残疾人. To discuss disability services and accommodations, 请联系学生无障碍服务办公室,电话:(919)718-7416或电子邮件至 sas@depotwarehouse.net. 有关残疾服务政策的更多信息,可在残疾服务办公室找到 Student 可访问性 服务 网站.